LoRaWAN is the backbone of our wildlife monitoring tags, providing a reliable networking technology for effective tracking. Our outdoor gateway, with its versatile mounting and power supply options, allows you to establish a LoRaWAN network almost anywhere, supporting the smallest and lightest wildlife tags available on the market.
Installtion requirements for a gateway vary depending on the landscape. To cover most common situations, we have come up with the following options.

Mounting options
- Wall-mount. Ideal for research stations or urban environments
- Pole-mount. Suitable for locations with existing poles. We can supply poles and installation equipment upon request
- Tree-mount. In certain scenarios, a tree offers a stable and elevated platform for gateway installation
- Mobile. For temporary deployments, we offer a versatile mobile stand, perfect for flexible setups
Power supply options
- Mains-powered. The most straightforward and reliable method for powering a gateway
- Solar-powered. Perfect for sunny locations, though it may pose challenges during winter or extended periods of low sunlight
- Battery-powered. Best suited for environments with prolonged darkness or heavy cloud cover, ensuring continuous operation

If you are interested in deploying a LoRaWAN network, then please don't hesitate to contact us.